Posted by : Kapil Monday, February 17, 2014

In the interim budget announced today, government proposed to raise expenditure on Education sector by 9% (vs Revised Estimates for 2013-14) . Total Budgeted Expenditure on Education is Rs 81,441 Cr . This includes plan and non-plan expenditure. The breakup and comparison of expenditure is given below.

What is noteworthy is that for next year, the BE is only 9% higher than RE for current year, and is lagging overall proposed expenditure growth (at 11%) for the government. BE for 2013-14 was 18% higher than Actuals for 2012-13.

Rs Cr 2012-2013 2013-2014 2013-2014 2014-2015
Plan - Expenditure Actuals BE RE BE
Department of School Education 42822 49659 47159 51198
Department of Higher Education  12711 16210 14703 16200
Total  55533 65869 61862 67398
Non-Plan Expenditure        
Department of School Education 2810 3042 2977 3287
Department of Higher Education  7720 10552 9787 10756
Total 10530 13594 12764 14043
Total Expenditure         
Department of School Education 45632 52701 50136 54485
Department of Higher Education  20431 26762 24490 26956
Total 66063 79463 74626 81441


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